This book was originally published as a limited run hardback. Henrik has written a potted biography about every punk or new wave band that released a record (or appeared on a compilation) in 1977 and what they released that year.
A Cultural Moment in Composition Brent Henze, Jack Selzer ... Studies of Writing Program Administration: Individuals, Communities, and the Formation of a Discipline, edited by Barbara L'Eplattenier and Lisa Mastrangelo (2004).
Sidebar commentaries from Stephen A. Bernhardt, Hugh Burns, Sharon Crowley, Lester Faigley, Janice Lauer, Elaine Maimon, Jasper Neel, and John Warnock--many of whom were just beginning in the field in 1977--enrich and complicate the story.
She did not know the name of the pub, (The Roebuck where John Lydon of The Sex Pistols drank and played,) but she knew where to get her ice cream. The cinema was marked with an 'X', like buried pirate treasure and a rectangle adjacent ...
1977 startete die RAF ihre »Offensive 77«, wurde in Paris das Centre Pompidou eröffnet, in Kalifornien der Apple II lanciert – und das Internet erfunden. Was bedeuten diese merkwürdigen Gleichzeitigkeiten?...
Das Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (AGB) wurde 1956 begründet. Das Archiv ist die zentrale wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für die Buchwissenschaft sowie für die Buch- und Buchhandelsgeschichte. Es ist in führenden...