• 2084
    By Alex Rebatto

    Nicol non lo degnò di una risposta. Innocenza parve più disponibile. “Giù per il tombino e poi, con il GPS, seguiamo la strada attraverso la rete fognaria fino al quartiere 7B. Un segnale intermittente segnalerà il nostro avvicinamento ...

  • 2084: Eine Zeitreise durch den Klimawandel. Mit einem Vorwort von Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker
    By James Lawrence Powell

    Der renommierte Wissenschaftler James Powell nimmt uns mit auf eine Zeitreise durch den Klimawandel: Die Alpen schneefrei, Australien, Spanien und weite Teile der USA verwüstet und verbrannt, westliche Staaten führen neue Kriege um ...

  • 2084: Eine Zeitreise durch den Klimawandel
    By James Lawrence Powell

    2084: Eine Zeitreise durch den Klimawandel

  • 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity
    By John C. Lennox

    In 2084, scientist and philosopher John C. Lennox addresses the questions of where humanity is going in terms of technological enhancement, bioengineering, and artificial intelligence.

  • 2084: The End of the World
    By Boualem Sansal

    A "sharply satirical" novel about an oppressive religious dictatorship and one man's discovery of an underground resistance (Library Journal). 2015 Winner of the Le Grand Prix du Roman de l'Académie...

  • 2084
    By George Sandison

    In 1948 Orwell saw a world in flux, at risk of losing liberty so recently won. In response he wrote Nineteen Eighty-Four, a prophetic book. Now, in 2017, the themes...

  • 2084: A Novel
    By Larry W. Poland

    "In this imaginative novel, three people from our generation are transported to the year 2084, when earth has survived the torment of its Great Tribulation to bask in the recreated...

  • 2084: When God Blessed America Again!
    By Rick Chapman

    2084—When God Blessed America Again is a gripping story of a man and a woman who grew up under the iron fist of Islamic law in the United States of...

  • 2084
    By Yasmin Marie Headley

    In the year 2084 citizen number 2040a struggles to find his place in the Orwellian society. Trapped in the monotony of life 2040a longs for companionship, and to discover what...

  • 2084: A Novel of the Future Upon Us
    By Werner Rinehardt

    2084: A Novel of the Future Upon Us, is satire, imaginative fiction dealing with a High Republican who has ruled since 2016, with the help the gene splice and the...

  • 2084: Inteligencia artificial y el futuro de la humanidad
    By John Lennox


  • 2084: American Apocalypse
    By James Keena

    Welcome to America in the Year 2084 She froze, hearing that eerily unnatural sound again. This time it was much closer. Brutus barked in another room and then so did...

  • 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity
    By John C. Lennox

    Will technology change what it means to be human? You don't have to be a computer scientist to have discerning conversations about artificial intelligence and technology. We all wonder where...

  • 2084
    By Gregory Schultz, Eric Schultz

    A dystopian thriller set in a future world where people have neural implants, allowing the government to monitor thoughts and control behavior. The protagonist, Otto, discovers the ability to "double...

  • 2084
    By William V. Crenshaw

    2084 is a story of the life as it came to be in a time far in the future. It tells of the changes that occurred to make life in...

  • 2084
    By Robert Bagnall

    2084. The world remains at war. In a chaotic city in the Eurasian desert twenty-year old Adnan emerges from a coma with memories of a woman he loved in a...

  • 2084: The Mental Evolution of America
    By R. Harrison

    Jonn and Tina Langin have little more than one month remaining with their young son. A delightful little boy, Timmy is in the preparation stages for his transition into F.O.C.S....

  • 2084
    By Alexander McLennan

    "Twenty-Eighty-Four" stands as a stark warning in the vein of George Orwell's visionary work, echoing the concerns of a world on the brink of losing its freedoms to technological and...

  • 2084
    By M. A. Neeper

    John is one of the few remaining human beings in Physan, where he works as a medical technician, upgrading hybrids and Uplinking the few remaining humans. [Pr0] is a hybrid,...

  • 2084
    By Yasmin Marie Headley

    In the year 2084 citizen number 2040a struggles to find his place in the Orwellian society. Trapped in the monotony of life 2040a longs for companionship, and to discover what...