9 of the Euvres complètes . This volume contains approximately 8 pages of text which do not appear in the Euvres complètes version . These pages ( p . 279-83 ; 291– 94 ) cover entries for April and May 1890 . Pierre Louÿs ( i.e. Pierre ...
( Classiques du XXe siècle 116 ) 8145 Gives a general intro . to L. Nesselroth , Peter W. Lautréamont's imagery : a stylistic ... 8146 Remains one of the finest stylistic analyses of L.'s imagery ; identifies various types of images and ...
[ LT ] Le style de Bernanos . FR 39 : 37383 , 1965 . 4737 Points out B.'s penchant for antithesis . Shows his style characterized by an abundance of ternary rhythms and series of three . Keane , Susan M. Dream imagery in the novels of ...
A Critical Bibliography of French Literature: Volume III A: The Seventeenth Century Supplement
A Critical Bibliography of French Literature: Volume VI: The Twentieth Century in Three Parts
A Critical Bibliography of French Literature: Volume VI: The Twentieth Century in Three Parts
A Critical Bibliography of French Literature: Volume II, Revised: The Sixteenth Century
Richard A. Brooks, general editor, v.
A Critical Bibliography of French Literature: Volume IV Supplement: The Eighteenth Century