A Fine Line

  • A Fine Line: Studio Crafts in Ontario from 1930 to the Present
    By Gail Crawford

    Hamilton; Sandra Silcox, King City, and Minnie Hoffman, Waterloo. Tartile, May/ June 1975. "It's no accident that many guilds formed after community colleges opened in 1967, often under the ceramic teacher, and a decade or so after many ...

  • A Fine Line: Studio Crafts in Ontario from 1930 to the Present
    By Gail Crawford

    57 , 89 Hatt - Cook , Joe 134 , 138 Hazell , Eileen 51 , 110 Hazell , Stanley 83 Head , Vickers 79 Heinemann , Steven 6 , 176 Heisler , Franklyn 132 Held , Robert 17 , 150 Henry , Mrs. George S. 28-29 Henry , Vicky 145 Herman , Jack 101 ...

  • A Fine Line: Scratchboard Illustrations
    By Scott McKowen

    Showcases the artist's theatrical posters and book and magazine covers using the scratchboard technique--prints made by carving patterns into a chalk surface covered in black ink, and then adding color--and describes the process.

  • A Fine Line: A Brady Coyne Novel
    By William G. Tapply

    "Tapply consistently delivers well-written, well-constructed and thoroughly entertaining mysteries, and his latest is no exception.

  • A Fine Line: How Design Strategies Are Shaping the Future of Business
    By Hartmut Esslinger

    praise for a fine line "A breath of turbo-charged fresh air that doesn't regurgitate the ego-maniac CEO's selective memory or an outside expert's misinterpretations.

  • A Fine Line: How Most American Kids Are Kept Out of the Best Public Schools
    By Tim DeRoche

    Which side of the line do you live on?

  • A Fine Line
    By Gianrico Carofiglio

    Of course Guerrieri cannot stop himself from falling for Annapaola's exotic charms. The novel is a suspenseful legal thriller but it is also much more.

  • A Fine Line
    By Sue Horsford

    No one would understand that my submission empowered me, that I felt stronger kneeling at Gabriel's feet than I ever had standing at Paul's side.

  • A Fine Line
    By Kathy Herman

    When rumor accuses Charlie Kirby of having an affair with a recently deceased corporate attorney who worked for an unwanted new tire factory, Charlie faces a difficult moral dilemma; while newspaper editor Ellen Jones encounters the stalker ...

  • A Fine Line: A Brady Coyne Novel
    By William G. Tapply

    Walt Duffy was a world-renowned ornithologist, outdoorsman, and nature photographer who spent his life traveling and taking some of the most highly regarded photographs of birds in their natural habitats.

  • A Fine Line
    By Carole A Lee

    A Fine Line is the culmination of sixty years thinking about life, how strange words that we use everyday can be and then writing poetry about that....

  • A Fine Line: Painkillers and Pleasure in the Age of Anxiety
    By George C. Dertadian

    Healthy Nightclubs and Recreational Substance Use: From a Harm Minimisation to a Healthy Settings Approach. Addictive Behaviors, 27(6), 1025–1035. ... Chilling Out: The Cultural Politics of Substance Consumption, Youth and Drug Policy.

  • A Fine Line: How Design Strategies Are Shaping the Future of Business
    By Hartmut Esslinger

    A Fine Line shares the amazing story of Esslinger’s transformation from industrial design wunderkind to a global innovation powerhouse, while detailing the very real challenges facing businesses in the new global economy.

  • A Fine Line: Searching for Balance Among Mountains
    By Graham Zimmerman

    ... SIXTY METERS TO ANYWHERE SIXTY METERS Brendan Leonard ANYWHERE VALLEY OF GIANTS STORIES FROM NOMEN AT THE HEART OF YOSEMITE CLIMBING VALLEY OF GIANTS Stories from Women at the Heart of Yosemite Climbing edited by Lauren Delaunay Miller ...