A First Course in Probability

  • A First Course in Probability
    By William J. Stewart

    The primary purpose of this book is to provide an introductory text for a one semester undergraduate course in probability.

  • A First Course in Probability
    By Sheldon Ross

    The 10th Edition includes many new and updated problems, exercises, and text material chosen both for interest level and for use in building student intuition about probability. 0134753119 / 9780134753119 A First Course in Probability, 10/e

  • A First Course in Probability
    By Sheldon M. Ross

    This market-leading introduction to probability features exceptionally clear explanations of the mathematics of probability theory and explores its many diverse applications through numerous interesting and motivational examples. The outstanding problem...

  • A First Course in Probability
    By Sheldon M. Ross

    A First Course in Probability, Eighth Edition, features clear and intuitive explanations of the mathematics of probability theory, outstanding problem sets, and a variety of diverse examples and applications. This...

  • A First Course in Probability
    By Sheldon Ross

    A First Course in Probability

  • A First Course in Probability
    By Tapas K. Chandra, Dipak Chatterjee

    "The third edition earmarks the great success of this text among the students as well as the teachers.

  • A First Course in Probability
    By T. K. Chandra, D. Chatterjee

    A First Course in Probability

  • A First Course in Probability
    By Tapas K. Chandra, Dipak Chatterjee

    Examples, both solved and unsolved, have been drawn from all walks of life to convince readers about the ethereal existence of probability and to familiarize them with the techniques of solving a variety of similar problems.".

  • A First Course in Probability
    By Sheldon M. Ross

    P. 15.

  • A First Course in Probability
    By Sheldon M. Ross

    This book is ideal for an upper-level undergraduate or graduate level introduction to probability for math, science, engineering and business students. It assumes a background in elementary calculus.

  • A First Course in Probability
    By Sheldon Ross

    This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.