7 Werner Gillon, A Short History of African Art (London, 1984); Tom Phillips (ed.), Africa: The Art of a Continent (London, 1995); Sam Fogg, Ethiopian Art (London, 2001). 8 Gillon, Short History, 330–33. 9 Sidney Littlefield Kasfir, ...
Anderson, D.M. and Rathbone, R. (eds.) (2000). Africa's Urban Past. Oxford. Austen, R. (1987). African Economic History: Internal Development and External Dependency. London. Barber, K. (2006). Africa's Hidden Histories: Everyday ...
... 108 Matswa, Andre 231 Mau Mau revolt 206, 207, 246, 269, 280, 282–5 Mauritania 95, 309, 329, 332, 359 Mawlai Sulaiman 88 Mazrui rebellion 160 Mbeki, Thabo 349 Mbeni dance societies 226 medicine see under health Mediterranean Sea 82, ...
This is an excellent introduction to Africa for the student reader.
Introduction: understanding the contours of Africa's past -- Western transitions: slave trade and "legitimate" commerce in Atlantic Africa -- Eastern intrusions: slaves and ivory in eastern Africa -- Southern frontiers:...