many , Hans - Ulrich Wehler , The German Empire , 1871-1918 ( 1985 ) ; James J. Sheehan , German Liberalism in the Nineteenth Century ( 1978 ) , and Fritz Stern , Gold and Iron : Bismarck , Bleichroder and the Building of the German ...
Seven times between 1403 and 1433 a court official , named Cheng Ho , gathered a great fleet in south China and sailed into the Indian Ocean . He returned successfully , bringing with him the king of Ceylon , the prince of Sumatra ...
A History of the Human Community: Prehistory to 1500
A History of the Human Community: Prehistory to 1500
An intellectually and stylistically unified overview of world history, this text draws a global portrait of the human past–showing how each part of the world fits into the overall balance...
A History of the Human Community: Prehistory to the Present
An intellectually and stylistically unified overview of world history, this text draws a global portrait of the human past--showing how each part of the world fits into the overall balance in each successive age.
A History of the Human Community: 1500 to the present
An intellectually and stylistically unified overview of world history, this text draws a global portrait of the human past – showing how each part of the world fits into the...
A History of the Human Community: Prehistory to the Present
A History of the Human Community: Prehistory to 1500