A History of World Societies, Combined Volume

  • A History of World Societies, Combined Volume
    By John P. McKay, Bennett D. Hill, John Buckler

    John P. McKay, Bennett D. Hill, John Buckler, Roger B. Beck, Patricia Buckley Ebrey, Clare Haru Crowston, ... Pikesville College Stephen D. Carls, Union University Steven Cassedy, University of California Edward J. Chess, ...

  • A History of World Societies, Combined Volume
    By Clare Haru Crowston, Jerry Davila, Merry E Wiesner-Hanks

    This edition includes more help with historical thinking skills, an expanded primary source program in print and online, and the best and latest scholarship throughout The book can be purchased with the breakthrough online resource, ...

  • A History of World Societies, Combined Volume
    By John P. McKay, Roger B. Beck, Clare Haru Crowston

    This edition features thoroughly revised chapters by new author and Latin American specialist Jerry Dávila, an expanded primary source program in the text and online, and the best and latest scholarship throughout.

  • A History of World Societies, Combined Volume
    By John P. McKay, Bennett D. Hill, John Buckler

    Shortened for greater accessibility and enhanced by a new design, maps, and pedagogy, this best-selling text is now even easier to learn and teach from.

  • A History of World Societies, Combined Volume
    By John P. McKay, Roger B. Beck, Clare Haru Crowston

    A History of World Societies provides a comprehensive overview of world history by sharing the cultural stories of global people -- all through a regional lens.

  • A History of World Societies, Combined Volume
    By John P. McKay, Roger B. Beck, Clare Haru Crowston

    A History of World Societies provides a comprehensive overview of world history by sharing the cultural stories of global people -- all through a regional lens.

  • A History of World Societies, Combined Volume
    By John P. McKay, Roger B. Beck, Clare Haru Crowston

    9 8 7 6 5 4 f e d c b a For information, write: Bedford/St. Martin's, 75 Arlington Street, Boston, MA 02116 (617-399-4000) ISBN 978-1-4576-5993-5 (Combined Edition) ISBN 978-1-4576-8544-6 (Loose-leaf Edition) ISBN 978-1-4576-5994-2 ...