By this time , however , nearly 4,000 miles of canals had been constructed , creating a network linking the Atlantic states and the Ohio and Mississippi valleys and drastically reducing the cost of transportation .
... Athanasius, 33 Kirchmayr, Blasius, 170 Kohl, Hans, 80 Kolb, Zacharias, 42 Konrad of Wittelsbach, Archbishop of Mainz, 28 Kotter, Christoph, 242, 286 Kreuznach, 110, 300–301 Kromer, Marcin, 244 Kühlmann, Wilhelm, 9 Kuehn, Johannes, ...
“In this one particular aspect,” Rebecca Latimer Felton, a white Georgian, later wrote, slavery doomed itself. When white men put their own offspring 16 SLAVERY AND THE LONG-TERM ROOTS OF CIVIL WAR.
Word thenspread tothe Philadelphia Antislavery Society offices nearbyand a white abolitionist named Passmore Williamson met Wheeler, Johnson, andthe youngslave boys as they wereabout toboard aship to New York. At thePhiladelphia docks ...
This book traces the growth of bitter sectional discord in the years after 1848, when the acquisition of new American territories rekindled old controversies over the expansion of slavery.
A thorough investigation of the factors that led to the breakup of the Old Dominion and the emergence of the new state of West Virginia during the Civil War.
... Wayne , 43 Hanifen , Richard C. , 277-78 Harkness , Peter , 263 Harriman , Edward , 64 Harrington , Michael ( The ... 144 Laws , regulatory , 169-71 Laybourne , Geraldine , 124 Lazarus , Charles , 174 Leach , Jim , 292 Leadership ...
And at what cost? Heartfelt, emotional, and revelatory, A House Divided is an unforgettable tale about making the hardest of choices, coming to terms with all you could lose—and finding what forgiveness and family truly mean.
Michael Hanagan, The Logic of Solidarity: Artisans and Industrial Workers in Three French Towns, 1871-1914 (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1980); William Sewell, “Social Change and the Rise of Working Class Politics in Nineteenth ...
Daniel E. Sutherland, A Savage Conflict: The Decisive Role of Guerrillas in the American Civil War (Chapel Hill: UNC Press, 2009). Noah Andre Trudeau, Like Men of War: Black Troops in the Civil War, 1862–1865 (Boston, MA: Little Brown ...
Re-imagining one of the greatest unsolved murder mysteries from Abraham Lincoln’s real-life trial cases, A House Divided is the most captivating Lincoln and Speed mystery yet from expert Lincoln scholar Jonathan F. Putnam.
Wittelsbach Confessional Court Cultures in the Holy Roman Empire, C. 1550-1650 Andrew L. Thomas ... [accessed March 1, 2007]; for an account of Rokycanský's sojourn in London see Robert Fitzgibbon Young, A Czech Humanist ...
Corbin Gage can stand up to anyone . . . But his own divided house will bring him to his knees. Corbin, a longtime legal champion for the downtrodden, is slowly drinking himself into the grave.
In A House Divided, Feldmeir suggests that the solution to our political entrenchment is a shared commitment to practicing a politics of compassion; the motivating, unifying ideals of the gospel that insist that we work together for the ...
Jack the Bookman.
After making what he believes to be the deal of a lifetime, a greedy and corrupt building contractor must move his new purchase, an old two-story house, to a new location by splitting it in half and, by doing so, unleashes an unimaginable ...
Patience Essah takes the reader of A House Divided through the introduction, evolution, demise, and final abolition of slavery in Delaware.
Owen and Amos Bennington, abolitionists living in Boston in 1856, plan to fight to end slavery in the United States, but Owen believes in achieving it through legislation while Amos believes violent rebellion is the answer.
Perfect for reluctant young historians as well as history-buffs-to-be. Part of the Jules Archer History for Young Readers series by Sky Pony Press, this book is guaranteed to inspire interest in a crucial piece of American history
After an argument sends their son's girlfriend into early labor, Reverend Curtis Black and his wife, experience a rift between them that may send her into the arms of another man, in the latest novel of the series following The Reverend's ...