A Matter of Principle

  • A Matter of Principle
    By Susan Beth Pfeffer

    The McHugh case is taking a lot more time than I thought it would . ” “ How's it going ? " I asked , nibbling at the salad . " Not so great , ” Dad said . " Things should work out before our court date , but right now the other side is ...

  • A Matter of Principle: Political Economy and the Making of Postcolonial Modernity in India: A Foucauldian Approach
    By Katja Rieck

    Cobbett, William ([1821] 2007): Cottage Economy. New York: Cosmo Classics. ——— ([1885] 1992): Selections from William Cobbett's Illustrated Rural Rides, 1821– 1832. Intro. and annotation by Christopher Morris.

  • A Matter of Principle
    By Kris Tualla

    “Du er en klar ung mann med en meget klar fremtid,” Nicolas clapped Leif on the shoulder. You are a bright young man with a very bright future. “I beg your pardon?” Vincent interjected. “I said I am famished.

  • A Matter of Principle
    By Ronald Dworkin

    Essays examine the political basis of law, legal interpretation, economic factors in law, reverse discrimination, and censorship This is a book about fundamental theoretical issues of political philosophy and jurisprudence: about what ...

  • A Matter of Principle
    By Susan Beth Pfeffer

    TIET HARLTON Thea at Sixteen claire at Sixteen Sybil at Sixteen SUSAN BETH PFEFFER SUSAN BETH PFEFFER SUSAN RETH PFEFFER THE SEASTFE | Meg at Sixteen SUSAN BETH PFEFFER Better Than COURAGE , DANA All Right the beauty queen SUSAN BETH ...

  • A Matter of Principle: Humanitarian Arguments for War in Iraq
    By Thomas Cushman

    Offering alternative viewpoints to the prevailing pro & anti-war debate, this volume considers the argument that intervention in Iraq was justified on the grounds that protection of human rights & freedom from tyranny are global concerns.

  • A Matter of Principle: New Meetings with the Good, the Great and the Formidable
    By Jana Wendt

    In A Matter of Principle, Jana Wendt, one of Australia's most experienced interviewers, connects with remarkable men and women from the worlds of politics, entertainment, society, art, cinema, sport and architecture.

  • A Matter of Principle
    By Ronald Dworkin

    This is a book about fundamental theoretical issues of political philosophy and jurisprudence.

  • A Matter of Principle
    By Conrad Black

    In this extraordinary book, Black maintains his innocence and recounts what he describes as "the fight of and for my life." A Matter of Principle is a riveting memoir and a scathing account of a flawed justice system.

  • A Matter of Principle
    By William Crenshaw

    A Matter of Principle

  • A Matter of Principle: Humanitarian Arguments for War in Iraq
    By Thomas Cushman

    At the same time, these essays do not necessarily attempt to apologize for the mistakes, errors, and deceptions in the way the Bush administration has handled the war.

  • A Matter of Principle
    By Alistair Barton

    This is a novel based upon the injustice which befalls a dedicated teacher.

  • A Matter of Principle: New Meetings with the Good, the Great and the Formidable
    By Jana Wendt

    ... principles I would say in my life is to be able to preserve and prolong the ability of this country to be pre-eminent as a force for good, as long as humanly possible . . . I don't know why the Lord made this ... A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE.

  • A Matter of Principle
    By Ronald Dworkin

    This is a book about the interplay of urgent political issues and hotly debated questions of moral philosophy. The controversies it joins are old; but history has given them fresh...

  • A Matter of Principle: He Fought the Law - Guess Who Won?
    By James Starke

    An idealist jousts with his less chivalrous law school classmates as his views about the law and social justice are greeted with scorn and ridicule among his peers - and at the highest levels of an increasingly politicized judicial system.