Written with the needs of students encountering the philosophy of religion for the first time in mind, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental questions inherent in Christian faith.
What are the core philosophical questions facing Christianity today, and how can we begin to answer them?
Nancey Murphy. instruments. The association of numbers with divinity is a bit more obscure, but the reasoning may go ... in 387 to Syracuse, the dominant Greek city in Sicily, to meet there with the tyrant Dionysius II (c.397–c.345).
Whereas most introductions in the past have attempted to deal with religion in general, this book focuses on philosophical issues of special importance to Christianity.
Christianity is a coherent religion. It never asks the heart to trust values which the reason is obliged to discard as contradictory. No value commitment is completely satisfying until the complete man is satisfied. --from the preface
A Philosophy of the Christian Religion