The Gunggari are an Aboriginal language and land owning group in S.W. Queensland. "A Place Called Home" chronicles this Indigenous group's struggle not only for Native Title and all that entails, but also for respect and recognition.
As a result of them becoming one flesh, it binds them together and they will cleave onto one another in a unique way. The purpose of this cleaving is to build a very healthy, strong and close relationship between a man and a woman.
Granovetter, Mark S. 1973. The strength of weak ties. American Journal of Sociology 78(6):1360–1380. Green, Richard, Gary Painter, & Michelle White. 2012. Measuring the benefits of homeowning: Effects on children redux.
Zoe McInnes is used to the stares.
As the dim lights of the train station faded, Christine Bennett wondered if she would ever see home again.
"Heartbreak from the past is tearing apart Beth's life in historic Roswell, New Mexico.
Take a sneak peek inside homes from all around the world with this charming lift-the-flap book.
Let acclaimed stylist and blogger Jason Grant show you how to become your own stylist and transform your house into a beautiful home. Jason Grant doesn't believe in creating perfect homes.
Filled with inspirational images, expert advice from an industry icon, and stories that reveal a remarkable life in design, this book will give you the confidence to click your heels and agree that there’s no place like home.
The dynamic Midwestern small town---from its idyllic beginnings to its imminent decline--explored and celebrated in thirty-four selections of cultural history, fiction, and poetry, both classic and contemporary.
Praise for Jo Goodman's Marry Me "Fans of historical and western romance will appreciate Goodman's witty dialogue, first-rate narrative prose and clever plotting." –Publishers Weekly (starred review) "An insightful, gently sensual love ...
The wonderfully nostalgic and heartwarming new novel from the Sunday Times Top Ten bestselling author of The Beggar Maid.
Now, from the hundreds of essays that have appeared through those years in the Echo, he's chosen the best and put them in book form.
A Place Called Home: A History of Low-cost Housing in Manhattan
The sound of stiletto heels on concrete tip-tapped into her consciousness just as Mel Morton's resounding tones cut ... As Ellie stood beside the gallery owner, staring at her own paintings, she thought she'd never been so proud.
When Thea Wyndham and Mitchell Baker learn they've been named joint guardians for their late friends' three children, they're little more than acquaintances. Barely polite acquaintances.
Lori Wick offers readers nostagic turn of the century romances in her series of "A Place called Home."
This volume presents the concerted efforts of chapter contributors to alleviate the alienation of those who have been displaced and help them to feel at home in the country in which they have sought refuge.
From city apartments and Dutch houseboats to Mongolian yurts, Maasai mud huts, and underground desert homes, kids discover the different ways people live around the world in this fascinating glimpse into global abodes.
... home and reporting the truth : " She doesn't know where he is . She's worried . " At first , Mom has us walk around town , looking for Alex . Then she must have called ... known presence in this small town . They take the report and promise ...