In A Separate Reality, Castaneda resumes his apprenticeship, determined to go deeper still into Don Juan's world of mystical sensation and perception, to learn to see beyond the surface realities...
In The Teachings of Don Juan Castaneda published the account of his five-year apprenticeship to the Yaqui Indian Sorcerer don Juan. Now, in A Separate Reality, Castaneda tells how he...
In the book Castaneda continues his description of his apprenticeship under the tutelage of Don Juan.
A separate reality: further conversations with Don Juan
A Separate Reality: Further Conversations with Don Juan
Mark soon discovers all these books share the belief that through a loss of "self" one can, somehow, transcend reality.
"A Separate Reality "is a novella or short story, which I value highly.
A Separate Reality: Further Conversations with Don Juan
A Separate Reality: Florida Eccentrics