This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
John Mackinnon Robertson
Bugenhagen, Johann, 196, 211 Bulgakov, Sergius, 285 Bullinger, Henry, 200 Bultmann, Rudolf, 3, 26, 291 Bunyan, John, 216 Burckhardt, Jacob, 22 If. Butler, Joseph, 244 Caesaropapism, 110, 112, 118f., 129 Caiaphas, 8, 11 Cajetan, ...
Tomkins then continues the story of Christianity right up to the present day, including discussion of topics such as: the Eastern church, battles between East and West, the Reformation, the Counter-Reformation, the Enlightenment and the ...
Eminently readable, and written with Blainey’s characteristic curiosity and storytelling skill, this book often places Christianity at the center of world history. Will it remain near the center?
Christianity has played a central role in world history, for better or worse, but beyond the story of Jesus, many people know little of this story.
Christianity has played a central role in world history, for better or worse, but beyond the story of Jesus, many people know little of this story.
The author ends by looking to the future, for the story is far from over. All those wanting to understand where Christianity is going need to learn where it has come from, and in this book they will find a lively and informative guide.
It must here suffice to say, first, that the data and the argument, insofar as they are not fully set forth in the following pages, have been presented in the larger work entitled Christianity and Mythology,1 or in the quarters mentioned in ...