A Swiftly Tilting Planet

  • A Swiftly Tilting Planet
    By Madeleine L'Engle

    In A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeleine L'Engle, a companion to the Newbery Award winner A Wrinkle in Time and A Wind in the Door, fifteen-year-old Charles Wallace and the...

  • A Swiftly Tilting Planet
    By Madeleine L'Engle

    ... except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address Square Fish, 175 FifthAvenue, New York, NY 10010. Grateful acknowledgment is made for “a swiftly tilting planet” from the poem ...

  • A Swiftly Tilting Planet
    By Madeleine L'Engle

    Intergalactic P.S. 3 by Madeleine L'Engle; illustrated by Hope Larson: Visit the world of A Wrinkle in Time in this standalone story!

  • A Swiftly Tilting Planet
    By Madeleine L'Engle

    Fifteen-year-old Charles Wallace and the unicorn Gaudior embark on a journey through time and peril to prevent the destruction of the world by the mad dictator Madog Branzillo. Simultaneous.

  • A Swiftly Tilting Planet
    By Madeleine L'Engle

    Fifteen-year-old Charles Wallace and the unicorn Gaudior must travel through time and space in a battle against an evil dictator who would destroy the universe.

  • A Swiftly Tilting Planet
    By Madeleine L'Engle

    Fifteen-year-old Charles Wallace and the unicorn Gaudior must travel through time and space in a battle against an evil dictator who would destroy the universe.

  • A Swiftly Tilting Planet: Time Quintet Series: Book 3
    By Madeleine L'Engle

    Fifteen-year-old Charles Wallace Murry and the unicorn Gaudior must travel through time and space in a battle against an evil dictator who would destroy the entire universe. Includes an interview with the author.

  • A Swiftly Tilting Planet
    By Madeleine Lengle

    Charles Wallace, fifteen, and the unicorn Gaudior embark on a perilous voyage through time in this companion volume to A Wrinkle in Time (Newbery Award winner) and A Wind in the Door in a desperate attempt to stop the evil dictator ...

  • A Swiftly Tilting Planet
    By Madeleine L'Engle

    In this volume, fifteen-year-old Charles Wallace and the unicorn Gaudior undertake a perilous journey through time in a desperate attempt to stop the destruction of the world by the mad dictator Madog Branzillo.