A Theory of Narrative

  • A Theory of Narrative
    By Rick Altman

    ( 1965 : 296 ) Foster goes on to show how every aspect of peasant behavior , from sibling rivalry to the use of treasure stories to account for unexplained wealth , can be derived from this model . According to Foster , the logical ...

  • A Theory of Narrative
    By Rick Altman

    The Nature of Narrative Revisited Existing definitions of narrative share several shortcomings. Most are based on a limited corpus, stress a single characteristic, and take one type of narrative as representative of the entire class.

  • A Theory of Narrative
    By Rick Altman

    This text presents a wide-ranging and wholly original approach to understanding the nature of narrative.

  • A Theory of Narrative
    By Alojzija Zupan Sosič

    Relying on the structure and methodology of classical and postclassical narratology, this book explores the phenomena of story and narrative, narrator, focalization, character, time and space, as well as the beginning and the ending of a ...

  • A Theory of Narrative
    By F. K. Stanzel

    F. K. Stanzel. in a novel with a prominent profile and more pronounced dynamics of the narrative process such as Vanity Fair or Anna Karenina , than in a novel with a relatively inconspicuous profile and limited dynamics such as Ivy ...