A Treasury of Wisdom

  • A Treasury of Wisdom: Daily Devotional Journal
    By Ken Abraham, Angela Abraham

    The Rose Month by William A. Quale June 1st " Tohen Ohen we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together ... to meet the Lord in the air : and so shall we ever be with the Lord . Wherefore comfort one another with these words ...

  • A Treasury of Wisdom: Daily Inspiration from Favorite Christian Authors

    Originally released in a journal edition, "A Treasury of Wisdom" is a collection of spiritual insights borrowed from over 75 well-known authors, such as Billy Graham, Corrie ten Boom, and Max Lucado.

  • A Treasury of Wisdom
    By Mary Joslin

    However you choose to use the collection, you will surely find glimpses of hope, clarity, and truth hidden within-- treasures that are greater than gold.

  • A Treasury of Wisdom: From the Bible
    By Helen Jaeger

    In a Treasury of Wisdom from the Bible, full-color reproductions of classic art are featured alongside some of literature's greates poems, prayers, songs and sayings. This book is a companion volume to A Treasury of Psalms.

  • A Treasury of Wisdom: True Stories of Hope & Inspiration

    These true stories of great individuals include Raphael, Michelangelo, Diogenes, Alexander the Great, King Solomon, Jesus' The Good Samaritan, Beatrix Potter, Satchel Paige, and more.

  • A Treasury of Wisdom
    By Rohit Pal

    Proverbs signify the ocean of wisdoms of the universe. These are ineffaceable guides for the humanity. A collection of proverbs is, therefore, a good asset in the universal knowledge made available to the common men.

  • A Treasury of Wisdom: The Words of Jesus
    By Ignatius Press

    A Treasury of Wisdom: The Words of Jesus