Stolper, Gustav. German Economy, 1870–1940: Issues ... Taylor, Paul A., and Jan L. Harris. Critical Theories of Mass Media: ... Les États- Unis et la Société des Nations (1914–1946): Le système face à l'émergence d'une superpuissance.
When Ezra Quinn unexpectedly lands his dream job overseas, he soon finds himself living in luxury, but in an unstable country.
"What does the end of the Cold War mean for world peace? What kind of new world is being constructed out of the former East-West confrontation? The opportunities now exist...
A Violent Peace offers a radical account of the United States' transformation into a total-war state.
Historian Carolyn N. Biltoft shows how conflicts over truth and power that played out at the League of Nations offer broad insights into the nature of totalitarian regimes and their use of media flows to demonize a whole range of “others ...
Winner of the 2022 Association for Asian American Studies Book Award for Outstanding Achievement in LiteraryStudies
When Ezra Quinn unexpectedly lands his dream job overseas, he soon finds himself living in luxury, but in an unstable country.