... Tallest Mountain Mount Robson—12,972 feet or 3,954 meters—in the Canadian Rockies Canada's Westernmost City Dawson, Yukon Canada's Westernmost Point in Yukon Territory just east of Alaska's Demarcation Point Canary Islands' Largest ...
Published in 2001: Still a standard, best-selling reference after more than 40 years, the tenth edition of the Abbreviations Dictionary continues its tradition of accuracy and comprehensiveness that has made it a classic.
Published in 2001: Still a standard, best-selling reference after more than 40 years, the tenth edition of the Abbreviations Dictionary continues its tradition of accuracy and comprehensiveness that has made it a classic.
This new international seventh edition contains over 250,000 entries (23,000 of them are new to this edition) of abbreviations, acronyms, appellations, contractions, eponyms, geographic equivalents, initials and slang shortcuts. It...
Abbreviations; Acronyms; Anonyms and eponyms; Appellations; Contractions; Geographical equivalents; Historical and mythological characters; Initials and nicknames; Short forms and slang shortcuts; Signs and symbols.
A pocket-sized compendium of abbreviated words offers the definitions and etymology of words such as "Chunnel" to the IRS, L8R, EZ, biz, dorm, and many more.
Abbreviations, acronyms, anomyms, contractions, initials, nicknames, short forms, slang shortcuts, signs and symbols; Airlines of the world; Astronomical constellations, stars, and symbols; Automatic data-processing abbreviations for zip-coded mail; Chemical element...
Dictionary of abbreviations, etc.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.