... 215 small businesses , 25 SMART call objective , 174 Smith Kline Beecham , 190–191 social influences on buying ... ruthlessness about , 17-18 W - O - R - K , 15-16 suggestion , 238–239 suggestive propositions , 238 summary - of ...
... Robert Smith , Illinois State University ; Ed Snider , Mesa Community College ; William A. Stull , Utah State ... James Madison University . tra , SmithKline Beecham ; Stanley Marcus ; Gerald Mentor , Richard D. Irwin , Inc .
Charles H. Schwepker , Jr. , and Thomas N. Ingram , “ An Exploratory Study of the Relationship between the Perceived Competitive Environment and Salesperson Job Performance , ” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice , Summer 1994 ...
This inexpensive text is one the students keep after the class is over and they use it as a resource in the business world.
A manual on relationship selling, featuring practical tips and business examples from the author's experience in sales with Colgate and other companies. Exercises and role plays are included, as is...
The text also makes a nice companion to a sales management text in Marketing programs that offer a sales management course, but do not offer a separate selling course.