ABC's of Relationship Selling

  • ABC's of Relationship Selling
    By Charles Futrell, Mark Valvasori

    ... 215 small businesses , 25 SMART call objective , 174 Smith Kline Beecham , 190–191 social influences on buying ... ruthlessness about , 17-18 W - O - R - K , 15-16 suggestion , 238–239 suggestive propositions , 238 summary - of ...

  • ABC's of Relationship Selling
    By Charles, Peter, Futrell

    ... Robert Smith , Illinois State University ; Ed Snider , Mesa Community College ; William A. Stull , Utah State ... James Madison University . tra , SmithKline Beecham ; Stanley Marcus ; Gerald Mentor , Richard D. Irwin , Inc .

  • ABC's of Relationship Selling
    By Charles M. Futrell

    Charles H. Schwepker , Jr. , and Thomas N. Ingram , “ An Exploratory Study of the Relationship between the Perceived Competitive Environment and Salesperson Job Performance , ” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice , Summer 1994 ...

  • ABC's of Relationship Selling
    By Charles Futrell

    This inexpensive text is one the students keep after the class is over and they use it as a resource in the business world.

  • ABC's of Relationship Selling
    By Charles Futrell

    A manual on relationship selling, featuring practical tips and business examples from the author's experience in sales with Colgate and other companies. Exercises and role plays are included, as is...

  • ABC's of Relationship Selling: With ACT! Express
    By Charles M. Futrell

    The text also makes a nice companion to a sales management text in Marketing programs that offer a sales management course, but do not offer a separate selling course.