... 226–227 small businesses , 25 SMART call objective , 185 Smith Kline Beecham , 202 social influences on buying ... 15 optimism , 16 physical and mental preparation , 18-19 time management , 17–18 W - O - R - K , 15-16 suggestion ...
Charles H. Schwepker , Jr. , O. C. Ferrell , and Thomas N. Ingram , “ The Influence of Ethical Climate and Ethical Conflict on Role Stress in the Sales Force , ” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , Spring 1997 , pp . 99-108 .
This edition presents a sales process or system in a logical sequence, more than any other text in the market: from planning and the approach, to closing and follow-up for exceptional customer service.
The text provides students with the foundation for understanding the entire selling process including selling as a profession, preparation for relationship selling, the relationship selling process, and keys to successful selling career.
The goal of this text has always been to help ensure that students understand the order of steps within the selling process; to provide numerous examples of what should be in each step; and to show how steps within the selling process ...
The text provides students with the foundation for understanding the entire selling process including selling as a profession, preparation for relationship selling, the relationship selling process, and keys to a successful selling career.
This edition presents a sales process or system in a logical sequence, more than any other text in the market: from planning and the approach, to closing and follow-up for exceptional customer service.
ABC's of Relationship Selling Through Service