Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology

  • Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology: A Developmental Perspective, Second Edition
    By Linda Wilmshurst

    Exosystem: Socioeconomic System Poverty is one of the single best predictors of child risk. Although most reported findings look at broad racial and ethnic groups, Lichter, Qian and Crowley (2005) found that 9% of White children were ...

  • Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology: A Developmental Perspective, Second Edition
    By Linda Wilmshurst

    Thompson, A.J., Tillotson, S., Smith, I., Kendall, B., Moore, S.G., & Brenton, D.P. (1993). Brain MRI changes in phenylketonuria: Associations with dietary status. Brain, 116(4), 811–821. Thompson, J.K., Coovert, M.D., Richards, K.J., ...

  • Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology
    By Allen C. Israel, Jennifer Weil Malatras, Rita Wicks-Nelson

    Graham, S., & Harris, K. R. (2003). Students with learning disabilities and the process of writing: A meta-analysis of SRSD studies. In H. L. Swanson, K. R. Harris, & S. Graham (Eds.), Handbook of learning disabilities.

  • Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology: Pearson New International Edition CourseSmart eTextbook
    By Allen C. Israel, Rita Wicks-Nelson

    Núñez, J. C., GonzálezPienda, J. A., GonzálezPumariega, S., Roces, G., Alvarez, L., & González, P. (2005). Subgroups of attributional profiles in students with learning disabilities and their relation to selfconcept and academic goal.

  • Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology: Pearson New International Edition CourseSmart eTextbook
    By Allen C. Israel, Rita Wicks-Nelson

    ... J. M., 138 Licht, B. G., 264 Lichtenstein, P., 203 Lilienfeld, S. O., 85, 96 Lilly, M. S., 93 Limond, J., 41 Lin, K. K., 154 Linares, L. O., 397 Lindel, B., 354 Lindström, K., 238 Linnet, K. M., 234 Linscheid, T. J., 353 Linscheid, ...

  • Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology
    By Taylor & Francis Group, Allen C. Israel, Rita Wicks-Nelson

    Rich with illustrations and examples, this text highlights the newest areas of research and clinical work, stressing supported treatments and the prevention of behavior problems of youth.

  • Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology
    By Jean E. Dumas, Wendy J. Nilsen

    Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology approaches child and adolescent behavior from a developmental perspective to allow readers to incorporate multiple theories into an integrated understanding of child...

  • Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology: A Developmental Perspective
    By Linda Wilmshurst

    Written from a developmental perspective, this book is organised on the basis that the course of normal development prodeeds in an orderly and predictable direction and that maladaptive behaviour represents a deviation from this path.

  • Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology
    By Allen C. Israel, Rita Wicks-Nelson

    Rev. ed. of: Behavior disorders of childhood. c2006.

  • Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology
    By Allen C. Israel, Rita Wicks-Nelson

    Learning Goals Upon completing this book, readers will be able to: * Understand the psychological problems found in children and adolescents* Understand methods of treatment and prevention for childhood behaviour disorders* Discuss issues ...

  • Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology: A Developmental Perspective
    By Linda Wilmshurst

    Written from a developmental perspective, this book is organised on the basis that the course of normal development prodeeds in an orderly and predictable direction and that maladaptive behaviour represents a deviation from this path.

  • Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology
    By Taylor & Francis Group, ALLEN C.. MALATRAS ISRAEL, RITA.)

    At the heart of the text is the partnership of the developmental psychopathology perspective, which analyzes problems of youth within a developmental context, and a traditional clinical/disorder approach, which underscores the symptoms, ...