Known for its comprehensive coverage of current research, theory and treatment, this text has long been praised for its multiple paradigm approach and coverage of cutting-edge research and theory which are central to the discipline.
Abnormal Psychology: Selected Chapters
Abnormal Psychology: With 3rd Edition Case Studies
Abnormal Psychology: With Oltmann's Case Studies and Web Guide
Abnormal Psychology: Study Questions
Visit or contact your Wiley representative for more information.
Abnormal Psychology: Readings and Case Studies
Abnormal Psychology: Includes Case Studies, Third Edition
Abnormal Psychology: An Experimental Clinical Approach
Abnormal Psychology: Includes Readings in Abnormal Psychology and Case Studies, Third Edition
Now in their new 10th Edition, the authors have also greatly expanded the text's pedagogical features, making it even more student-friendly, engaging, and informative.
Created for the 11th edition, we continue to offer a powerful video series for your Abnormal Psychology course with 7-10 minute clips to show in class or for students to review outside of class to help understand the patients experience.
Abnormal Psychology, 6th Canadian Edition will provide your students with the most up-to-date, relevant and reliable content available in an abnormal psychology undergraduate textbook.
Visit or contact your Wiley representative for more information.
This package includes a three-hole punched, loose-leaf edition of ISBN 9781118640883 and a registration code for the WileyPLUS course associated with the text.
Abnormal Psychology, 6th Canadian Edition will provide your students with the most up-to-date, relevant and reliable content available in an abnormal psychology undergraduate textbook.
Abnormal Psychology: Selected Chapters
Abnormal Psychology: DSM-5 Update
Abnormal psychology: experiences, origins, and interventions
Abnormal Psychology: Experiences, Origins, and Interventions