For the poodle, see Roger Cramton, What Do Lawyer Jokes Tell Us about Lawyers and Lawyering, Cornell Law Forum 7 (July ... For the judicial study, see Saul M. Kassin, An Empirical Study of Rule 11 Sanctions (Washington, D.C.: Federal ...
Access to Justice: An Economic Approach
This work evidences a deeper engagement with social theory than past generations of scholarship.
Access to Justice
Building on a series of ESRC funded seminars, this edited collection of expert papers by academics and practitioners is concerned with access to civil and administrative justice in constitutional democracies, where, for the past decade ...
Written by America's leading expert on legal ethics, "Access to Justice" vividly chronicles the wide gap between the lofty aspirations and harsh realities of American justice.
The Florence Access-to-Justice Project.
Juristat, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Statistics Canada, Catalogue 85-002XIE, Vol. 27, No. 1. ... Paths to justice Scotland: What people in Scotland do and think about going to law. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
This book addresses an experiment in funding money damage claims in England from 2000 to 2013.
This book reveals the inequities of legal assistance in America, from the lack of access to educational services and health benefits to gross injustices in the criminal defense system.
This book reveals the inequities of legal assistance in America, from the lack of access to educational services and health benefits to gross injustices in the criminal defense system.