Kip welcomed the challenge. “To answer that, I need to get somewhat clinical for a moment. I'm going to use two criminologists, James Q. Wilson and George Kelling, to explain how you do it,” he said, ...
The sun shone high overhead and reflected off the carpet ofsnow into the train compartment. Compartment 417-C had become a confessional as two strangers shared their innermost secrets, their vulnerabilities, and their fears.
Greg Bustin has written a monthly bulletin about leadership and accountability that goes to more than 4,000 managers/executives. He speaks about 50 times per year in the U.S., Canada, and the UK and is one of the top-rated Vistage speakers.
What makes this book different is that Greg Bustin connects the intellectual component of accountability to the heart and soul of an organization.
More and more managerial challenges require leaders to be accountable-to take initiative without having full authority for the process or the outcomes.
Accountability tells the story of Pete Williams, a hard-charging CEO, who meets Stan "Kip" Kiplinger, a retired businessman, during a cross-country train trip. Pete's manufacturing business is in critical condition; productivity is falling.
These are not regulated or enforced by the law. Drawing on the results of a case-study of NHS contracts, this book identifies problems faced by the parties to internal government contracts.
What can be done about this? What should be done? How can patients and their families regain a sense of trust in the hospitals and clinicians that care for them? Where do we even begin the discussion?
Aimed at single semester courses on accountability, this book is intended to act as the central text for existing courses, and facilitate new courses being set up. There are contributions...
That's where accountability steps in. This book can help you, as a manager or team leader, get the most out of your team members with exercises and case studies designed to promote maximum accountability for each employee.