“The desire for freedom can cause frail grass to split a walk or a root to break stone. It is very powerful, Mr. Bicking.” Hood wasn't sure whether he was listening to an historical discussion, a foreshadowing of things to come, ...
Somehow I doubt that this is quite how anyone expected Adolf Hitler's death to turn out.
Private C. A. McAnulty of the 2nd Australian Battalion kept a detailed diary in Gallipoli, and scribbled what were in fact his last thoughts during an attack.
When Syrian terrorists attack a dam in Turkey to threaten the water supply and force all-out war in the Middle East, the new online Regional Op-Center in Greece learns of the plan and launches a counterstrike. Original.
" Like the great ancient Greek playwrights Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, the playwrights in this volume see the theater as an art form uniquely capable of addressing the effects of warfare.
When the warlike Yinchorri threaten the stability of the Republic, a Jedi task force led by Mace Windu and including Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi is sent to the Yinchorri system to settle matters.