In most cases, the differences are of interest only and cannot yet be used as a basis for individualizing patient treatment. REFERENCES. Azzam AAH, McDonald J & Lambert DG (2019) Hot topics in opioid pharmacology: mixed and biased ...
... clinical practice are not new and it is said that even Plato, in the fourth century bc, worried that they could limit treatment flexibility as they are usually based on what works for the average patient only (Hurwitz, 1999).
Grindlay J, Babl FE. 2009. Review article: Efficacy and safety of methoxyflurane analgesia in the ... Lee A, Cooper MG, Craig JC, Knight JF, Keneally JP. 2007. Effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on postoperative renal ...
Acute Pain Management: Scientific Evidence
This textbook provides an overview of pain management useful to specialists as well as non-specialists, surgeons, and nursing staff.
Acute Pain Management
Delivery of effective acute pain management -- Assessment and monitoring -- Pharmacology of opioids -- Pharmacology of local anesthetics -- Nonopioid and adjuvant analgesic agents -- Systemic routes of opioid administration -- Patient ...
This is a new edition of a highly successful practical guide to acute pain management in the adult patient.
ACUTE PAIN MANAGEMENT is an authoritative and practical guide to the safe and effective management of conventional forms of analgesia, written by experts in this field. The concisely written text...
Offers clinicians a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach to assess and manage pain, including input from the patient; aggressive use of both drug and non-drug therapies; assessment and frequent reassessment of the patient's pain; and a ...