... 37, 72, 80, 130, 139 Cobb–Douglas specification, 132 constant elasticity of substitution, 64 Cozzi, G., 116, 132 creative destruction, 129 B balanced growth path (BGP), 75, 109, 112, 115–116, 120, 123 Barro, R., 52, 55, 71 Baxter ...
Gürkaynak, R.S., Sack, B. and Swanson, E.T. (2004) 'Do actions speak louder than words? The response of asset prices to monetary policy actions and statements', International Journal of Central Banking, 1,55–93.
David Romer’s Advanced Macroeconomics, 3e is the standard text and the starting point for graduate macro courses and helps lay the groundwork for students to begin doing research in macroeconomics...
The fifth edition of Romer's Advanced Macroeconomics continues its tradition as the standard text and the starting point for graduate macroeconomics courses and helps lay the groundwork for students to begin doing research in macroeconomics ...
Tim, Callen and Paul Cashin (1999) “Assessing external sustainability in India” IMF working paper 21/1999. Verma, Radheshyam and AnandPrakash (2011) “Sensitivity of capital flows to interest rate differentials: An empirical assessment ...
This is a newly revised second edition of a key macroeconomic textbook.
This book, born out of the Masters course the authors taught for many years at the Harvard Kennedy School, fills this gap.
This text, which is intended for use at third year undergraduate and introductory graduate level, takes the student beyond the IS/LM model.
The main purpose of the book consists to explain first, the basic concepts such as scarcity, choice, opportunity cost and their relationship with the others variables in the economic since those concepts are the heart of the economics.
This book brings the tools of advanced macroeconomics to those interested in their application to policy-making. With rigor but a light touch, it is a great resource for students and practitioners alike.
Advanced Macroeconomics
Advanced Macroeconomics: An Alternative Approach surveys the growth and development of macroeconomics, beginning with Wicksell’s codification of its main elements.
In this accessible and informative book, the authors guide the student through what has become the conceptual and mathematical maze of modern macroeconomics.
Advanced Macroeconomics: an Alternative Approach
This book is a compilation of chapters that discuss the most vital concepts and emerging trends in this field. The topics covered herein deal with the core subjects of advanced macroeconomics.