Comparatively, the softening curve is implicitly determined by the adopted geometric crack function α(φ) and the energetic degradation function g(φ); • In the GED model, the damage field is always admissible, i.e., 0 φ 1 and φ ̇ !
This highly acclaimed series provides survey articles on the present state and future direction of research in important branches of applied mechanics.
Advances in Applied Mechanics draws together recent significant advances in various topics in applied mechanics.
In R. L. Dewar, & F. Detering (Eds.), Complex physical, biophysical, and econophysical systems. World Scientic Lecture Notes in Complex Systems, chap 6, vol 9, pp. 189–242. Metcalfe, G., Lester, D., Ord, A., Kulkarni, P., Trefry, M., ...
Advances in Applied Mechanics draws together recent, significant advances in various topics in applied mechanics. Published since 1948, the book aims to provide authoritative review articles on topics in the mechanical sciences.
Many of the articles published have become classics within their fields. Volume 41 in the series contains articles on topological fluid mechanics, electrospinning, vortex dynamics and self-assembly.
Advances in Applied Mechanics
Advances in Applied Mechanics draws together recent significant advances in various topics in applied mechanics.
This highly acclaimed series provides survey articles on the present state and future direction of research in important branches of applied mechanics
Advances in Applied Mechanics
Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies. Adv. Heat Transfer 1, 123–184. Luikov, A. V. (1975). System of differential equations of heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies (review). Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 18, 11–4.
length, so we represent the load uncertainty with a uniform-bound convex model: Ż(a) = {d}(u): 40w) – b| < a.) (5) Ż(a) is a convex set of load profiles and it quantifies what we know about them: that p(u) tends to take the value b, ...
Advances in Applied Mechanics draws together recent, significant advances in various topics in applied mechanics. Published since 1948, the book aims to provide authoritative review articles on topics in the mechanical sciences.
This highly acclaimed series provides survey articles on the present state and future direction of research in important branches of applied solid and fluid mechanics.