Drogues illicites et criminalité, Traité des problèmes sociaux. Montréal: Institut québécois de la recherche sur la culture. Desjardins, L., & Germain, M. (1994). Profil criminologique de la clientèle de DomrémyMontréal en début de ...
This newest volume in the Advances in Psychology and Law series offers a review of topics critical for forensic practitioners.
Handbook of community senti- ment. New York, NY: Springer. Miller, M. K., & Chamberlain, J. (2015). “There ought to be a law!”: Understanding community sentiment. In M. K. Miller, J. A. Blumenthal, & J. Chamberlain (Eds.), Handbook of ...
Understanding how individual differences are related to community sentiment toward safe haven laws using a student sample. In M. K. Miller, J. A. Blumenthal, & J. Chamberlain (Eds.), Handbook of community sentiment (pp. 83–97).
Sex offender registration and notification act: Jurisdictions face challenges to implementing the act, and stakeholders report positive and negative effects. Retrieved from http://www.gao.gov/assets/660/652032.pdf Vasquez, B. E., ...
The latest entry in this noteworthy series continues its focus on psychological issues relating to legal and judicial matters, with sound recommendations for situational and system-wide improvement.