“a foundational essay”: E. Shils, “On the Comparative Study of the New States,” in C. Geertz, ed., Old Societies and New States, The Quest for Modernity in Asia and ... Adams, Clark Howell, and later on Melford Spiro and Nur Yallman.
During the early twentieth century, anthropologist James Mooney did just that. His estimates, published in 1928, proposed a precontact North American population of approximately 1.1 million. A decade later, anthropologist Alfred Kroeber ...
23-61; S. Pearson et al., Rice Policy in Indonesia (Ithaca, 1991). For an evocation of the atmospherics of the Cold War throughout this period, see F. Inglis, The Cruel Peace (New York, 1991). 5. Disciplines 96.
In dramatic episodes that move chronologically through American history, this best-selling book examines a broad variety of topics including oral evidence, photographs, ecological data, films and television programs, church and town records ...
In dramatic episodes that move chronologically through American history, this best-selling book examines a broad variety of topics including oral evidence, photographs, ecological data, films and television programs, church and town records ...
In dramatic episodes that move chronologically through American history, this best-selling book examines a broad variety of topics including oral evidence, photographs, ecological data, films and television programs, church and town records ...
After the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection, Volume II
After the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection and Nation of Nations a Concise Narrative of the American Republic
JAMES WEST. DAVIDSON. Published by McGraw-Hill, an imprint of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright © 2010, 2005, 2000, 1992. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be ...
Edited by Jan Peters. Berlin: Sozialpolitischer Verlag, 1979, 45–51. —Wolfgang Staudte. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1996. Luhmann, Niklas. Art as a Social System. Translated by Eva M. Knodt. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, ...
A lively correspondence embodying a wide range of experiences and imagination between two of our legendary poets Bell & Merrill.
The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln At about 10:15 p.m., April 14, 1865, a lead bullet fired from John Wilkes Booth's derringer flattened itself within Abraham Lincoln's skull. The wound would prove fatal nine hours later.
This text uses 15 dramatic episodes in American history to show students how historians go about the business of interpreting the past.
But under the direction of folklorist John Lomax , the FWP also organized staffs in many states to interview former slaves . Although Lomax's project placed greatest emphasis on collecting black folklore and songs , the FWP's directive ...
When Jack Collins leaves a small Connecticut law practice to join one of the nation's most prestigious firms, he trades a nondescript office for an elite one in a gleaming New York City skyscraper.
After the Fact explores how the convergence of technology, politics, and media has ushered in the misinformation age, sidelining the truth and threatening our core principle of community.
After the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection
Clearly suffering from dementia, the octogenarian agent was now being trotted out before the media by relatives hoping to ... Woodward's book revealed some other interesting facts about the thirtyyear mystery of Deep Throat's identity.
After the Fact explores how the convergence of technology, politics, and media has ushered in the misinformation age, sidelining the truth and threatening our core principle of community.
In looking back on four decades of anthropology in the field, Clifford Geertz creates a personal history that is also a retrospective reflection on developments in the human sciences amid political, social, and cultural changes in the world ...