Against the Wall

  • Against the Wall
    By Regan Black, Debra Webb

    Jana Clayton's father is dead.

  • Against the Wall
    By Debra Webb

    Jana Clayton's father is dead.

  • Against the Wall
    By Rebecca Zanetti

    Big stone fireplaces must be required during the cold Montana winters. Thick green couches, Western oils, and floor-to-ceiling windows made the house a home. She followed Jake into a pale yellow and tan kitchen and out a slider onto a ...

  • Against the Wall: Poor, Young, Black, and Male
    By Elijah Anderson

    Edited and with an introductory chapter by sociologist Elijah Anderson, the essays in Against the Wall describe how the young black man has come to be identified publicly with crime and violence.

  • Against The Wall
    By Simon Yates

    Simon Yates is 'the one who cut the rope' in Joe Simpson's award-winning account of their epic struggle for survival in Touching the Void. Afterwards, Yates continued mountaineering on the hardest routes.

  • Against the Wall: The Art of Resistance in Palestine
    By William Parry

    Examines the wall's significance to the Palestinian Resistance and the toll it has taken on thousands of people's lives by preventing them access to work, education, and medical care.

  • Against the Wall: Stories
    By Alberto Roblest

    This collection of stories explores the tensions and frustrations of those living along the border that impacts their life and community, regardless of which side they're on.

  • Against the Wall
    By Ruthie Pearlman

    A very powerful and painful novel that takes an honest look at Jewish youth at risk. Meet three boys who have nowhere to go-whose backs are up against the wall....

  • Against the Wall: Israel's Barrier to Peace
    By Michael Sorkin

    An analysis of the political, social, and economic ramifications of the "security fence" annex currently under construction in the West Bank considers its location within Palestinian territory in violation of a United Nations ruling, ...

  • Against the Wall
    By Joanne Suter

    Against the Wall

  • Against the Wall: Stories
    By Alberto Roblest

    In the prologue to this inventive collection, the exhausted protagonist finally reaches his destination, but the longed-for entrance doesn't have a handle or keyhole.

  • Against the Wall
    By Rhyannon Byrd

    When temptation lives just around the corner, who knows what wicked wonders will result? Shea Dresden doesn't need her PhD to know she's more brains than bod-too much bookworm, too little bada-bing!-but this is getting ridiculous.

  • Against the Wall
    By Vaughan Writers, Vaughan Writers Group

    ... all be traced . A giant database could keep all the information about us and in that way we'd find all the terrorists and criminals and lock them up . I know it could be done . I'm a graduate in computer studies and understand database ...

  • Against the Wall
    By Simon Yates

    An account of Yeates' ascent of one of the world's largest vertical rock faces, the 4,000 foot Central Tower of Paine in Chile.