Air Force Combat Units of World War II
The task of preparing such a volume was undertaken by the USAF Historical Division as a phase of its work on World War 11. This book is concerned primarily with the combat (or tactical) groups that were active during the Second World War.
But it is more than that.As an important source of ready information, this volume not only serves as a reference tool for historians and researchers; but it also provides commanders with a corporate memory of vital statistics.
This reference book utilizes mission summaries, squadron reports, original operations plans and other unique firsthand resources to document the history of the United States Air Force.
Traces the lineage of each Army Air Corps & U.S. Air Force combat group or higher organization active in World War II from its origins through 1956.
En omfattende oversigt over amerikanske flyvevåbenenheder, flytyper m.m. under 2. verdenskrig og op til 1956. En opfølgning findes i "World War II Combat Squadrons of the United States Air Force".