Alaska's Inside Passage
The front side of Alaska's Inside Passage reveals a striking map of the region from the northern reaches of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve south to Prince of Wales Island.
In this thoroughly readable book, travelers, locals, and armchair travelers alike will find a mix of stunning color photos, sightseeing scoops, historical background, fun FAQs, and evocative, inspiring descriptions of this breathtaking ...
Covering cities, states, and regions of the United States, these richly illustrated handbooks capture the character and culture of important American destinations, along with topical essays, color maps, and capsule reviews of restaurants ...
Alaska's Inside Passage
Dale Pihlman¿commercial fisherman, pilot, yacht charter operator, art teacher, and fisheries biologist¿shares his lifetime fascination with everything alive, including captivating knowledge of little known facts and diverse information.A ...