In this paper we have proved that the variation distance is NP-hard to compute, and furthermore that the L∞-distance is hard even to approximate. ... J. Feigenbaum, S. Kannan, M. Strauss, and M. Viswanathan.
Besides , S.K. Wang , Institute of Applied Mathematics of our Academy , has treated Yang - Baxeter equations with spectrum parameters and discovered a number of entirely new solutions of physical interest by some elaboration of our ...
A 1 0 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A y=c0 x = c1 y = c2 y = c3 x = c4 x = c5 y = c6 y = c7 y = c8 y = c9 Fig ... level are further partitioned to k sections so there can be at most k⌈log2(hk + 1)⌉ sections in any principal path ...
We consider the same one-seller, one-buyer market as above, and compute the profit achieved when trade occurs at some ... the buyer's curve is the downward-sloping linear function q = −adp + bd, but restricts quantity to the range [qd ...
A disentanglement puzzle consists of mechanically interlinked pieces, and the puzzle is solved by disentangling one piece from another set of pieces. A cast puzzle is a type of disentanglement puzzle, where each piece is a zinc ...
Recall that for the backbone based scheme, the length of the backbone B(T) is at least log(|T|). However, for rake based scheme, every rake operation decreases the height of the tree at least by 1 and most often more than 1.
Approximately 1/2hth part of the nodes have h additional links and links of same height are nearly uniformly ... 1. Bayer, R.: Symmetric binary B-trees: Data structure and maintenance algorithms. Acta Informatica 1 (1972) 290–306 2.
... hotlinks that minimizes the expected number of links (either tree edges or hotlinks) traversed by a greedy user from the root to a leaf. More formally, given a tree T, representing an index, a hotlink is an edge that does not belong to ...
... Computational Geometry and Applications vol. 7 (6), pp. 539-550, 1997. 5 V. Kantabutra and R. Kosaraju. New ... 1996, pp. 265-285; conference abstract in Proc. of the 5th Candadian Conf. on Computational Geometry, Queen's U., Kingston ...
... returns no, we know there is no solution that respects marks. (This is needed for the last step, where we forget the marks.) With our algorithm description, we will also make the first steps towards the time analysis. We derive a number ...
... rendezvous cost in some graphs. It was shown in [16] that cost Ω(logl) is required even for the two-node graph. It ... SIAM J. on Control and Optimization 33 (1995), 673-683. 3. S. Alpern, Rendezvous search on labelled networks, Naval ...
... Symbolic Computation Systems . Proceedings , 1993. XII , 384 pages . 1993 ... Parallel Computer Architectures . IX , 311 pages . 1993 . Vol . 733 : Th ... Applications . Proceedings , 1993. IX , 434 pages . 1993 . Vol . 736 : R. L. ...