Alive in Christ
Using several Old Testament types, Price explores the biblical principles for finding and renewing one's spiritual purpose and power.
Alive in Christ: Grade 5. The Seven Sacraments
Beginning with the great, heart-warming teaching of the opening chapters, Paul presents the riches the Christian has in the Lord Jesus Christ.Here are inexhaustible 'heights of love and depths of peace.
If so, then read about what it means to become alive in Christ. This book focuses on gaining power to transcend all obstacles that may be preventing your personal progress.
Built on a spiral curriculum that integrates seven central doctrinal themes of Catholic Church teaching, Alive in Christ teaches children to know, love, and live their Catholic faith through scripture, doctrine, and prayer.
Alive in Christ: The Miracle of Spiritual Rebirth
We are a special creation and our spirits are alive in Christ. As long as we are alive here on earth we are also alive in Christ seated at the throne of our Holy God. It is so important that we understand what in Christ means.
... the lens of love. Our holding of grudges can give way to a quest for forgiveness. “But good to them that hate behold I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do you, and pray for them who despitefully use you and ...
From back cover: Maxie Dunnam illuminates the whole matter of spiritual growth and maturity within the context of the Christian teaching and experience of the indwelling Christ.
The power of Christ's Atonement is broader, deeper and more far-reaching than we can comprehend without a spiritual awakening and desire for a higher way and being filled with Hope and God's infinite Love.
Alive in Christ is an introduction guide for newly saved youth. The text is thoroughly biblical and answers the questions teens most often ask.
Alive in Christ
Explore and celebrate the central themes of the Easter message.
Nothing speaks more loudly about what we believe than how we handle our money. How can we defend our faith if our day to day living does not indicate that we are abiding in the vine? "This book is an eye opener.
Alive in Christ
For people who are seeking to deepen their spiritual life with small doses of solid insight and on-target application, this volume of meditations from one of the premier preachers of this century is the answer.