America in the Seventies

  • America in the Seventies
    By Stephanie Slocum-Schaffer

    Jones , Charles . 1988. The Trusteeship Presidency . Baton Rouge : Louisiana State Univ . Press . Jordan , Hamilton . 1982. ... O'Connor , Karen . 1996. No Neutral Ground ? Abortion Politics in an Age of Absolutes . Boulder , Colo .

  • America in the Seventies
    By Beth L. Bailey

    Tucked between the activist Sixties and the conservative Eighties lies a largely misunderstood and still under-appreciated decade. Now nine leading scholars of postwar America offer a revealing look at the...

  • America in the Seventies
    By Stephanie Slocum-Schaffer

    America in the Seventies concludes with a "Legacy Chapter," summarizing the influence of the events of the decade on future generations and an annotated bibliography that includes the author's recommendations for the "best first book" to ...

  • America in the Seventies: Some Social Indicators
    By Conrad Taeuber

    America in the Seventies: Some Social Indicators

  • America in the Seventies: Some Social Indicators
    By Conrad Taeuber

    "This issue deals with a number of the salient statistical series which are presented in the report issued by the federal government enttiled Social Indicators II, which appear late in...