America: From Every Mountainside
America: Let Freedom Ring
America: Land of the Pilgrims' Pride
The panoramic beauty of natural and man-made sights of the nation is portrayed in colored illustrations, from the Alaskan wilderness to the New York City skyline
Utley, Robert M. and Washburn, Wilcomb E., Indian Wars, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston: 1977, p. 227. 55. Utley and Washburn, p. 227. 56. Morison, p. 61. 57. Morison, p. 61. 58. Utley and Washburn, p. 294. 59. Morison, p. 63. 60.
Past and Present to 1877 Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen, George M. Fredrickson, R. Hal Williams, Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands. HE GES Best BERG WW gunele SES ALL HOW TO ANALYZE PRIMARY SOURCE DOCUMENTS Copyright ©2006 by Pearson.
America: The Endless Quest
This is a valuable collection."---Robert E. May, Purdue University "The Best book on the Emancipation Proclamation."---James Oakes, The Graduate Center City University of New York
The authors' own abridgement preserves the hallmark explanatory power of the parent text, helping students to understand not only what happened but why -- so they're never left wondering what's important.
America: Past and Present
Focuses students on the story of American history.
Support Instructors -- MyHistoryLab, Instructor''s eText, MyHistoryLab Instructor''s Guide, Class Preparation Tool, Instructor''s Manual, MyTest, and PowerPoints are available to be packaged with this text.
The Primary Source Edition of America Past and Present integrates the social and political dimensions of American history into one rich chronological narrative and includes 2 to 3 primary sources per chapter with critical thinking questions ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Focuses students on the story of American history.
&n> The Primary Sources Edition of America Past and Present integrates the social and political dimensions of American history into one rich chronological narrative and includes 2 to 3 primary sources per chapter with critical thinking ...
Focuses students on the story of American history.
America: Past and Present: To 1877
This edition features all of the strengths found in the successful comprehensive text: a compelling narrative, clear organization, and exceptional pedagogy.
Een 15-jarige jongen zit na een leven waarin hij veel tegenslagen heeft gehad in therapie.
A A An Alaskan brown bear , also known as grizzly , fishes for salmon . A summer diet of fat - rich salmon allows the largest of bears to weigh more than one thousand pounds . A Steam rises off lava as it spills into the cold waters of ...