
  • America: The Last Best Hope
    By William John Bennett

    General of the Army Douglas MacArthur was then in charge of the occupation of Japan as what some called a “Star-Spangled Mikado [Emperor]. ... William D. Leahy, Ernest J. King, Chester W. Nimitz, and William F. (“Bull”) Halsey.

  • America: Past and Present
    By Robert A. Divine, H. W. Brands, Ariela J. Gross

    Focuses students on the story of American history.

  • America: the Last Best Hope
    By William J. Bennett

    Endeavors to present the history of the United States from a balanced perspective, describing both positive and negative events, and illuminating the powerful leaders who steered the country on the path of freedom, revised and updated into ...

  • America: The Last Best Hope
    By William John Bennett

    Endeavors to present the history of the United States from a balanced perspective, describing both positive and negative events, and illuminating the powerful leaders who steered the country on the path of freedom.

  • America: a Portrait in History
    By Emily S. Rosenberg, David Burner, Robert D. Marcus

    ... Thomas Ewing 1849 C. M. Conrad 1850 J. J. Crittenden 1850 Nathan K. Hall Sam D. Hubbard 1850 1852 A. H. Stuart 1850 Wm . A. Graham 1852 John P. Kennedy 1853 James C. Dobbin 1850 Jefferson Davis 1853 Caleb Cushing 1853 James Campbell ...

  • America: Course Correction
    By Janice Van Cleve

    “Madam Dictator, Alan Preston, Vice President of Exxon Mobil Exploration Division. My question is if we go it alone and everybody else continues polluting, what have we gained?” “Thank you, Mr. Preston. Very good question.

  • America
    By Franz Kafka, Daniel Casanave


  • America: A Concise History, Volume Two
    By James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self

    In 1907, the Met shocked audiences by presenting Richard Strauss's musically innovative and sexually scandalous opera Salome. As the ferment of urban life overturned older cultural norms, some artists began to question the whole concept ...

  • America: A Concise History, Volume II
    By James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self

    In 1907, the Met shocked audiences by presenting Richard Strauss's musically innovative and sexually scandalous opera Salome. As the ferment of urban life overturned older cultural norms, some artists began to question the whole concept ...

  • America: History of Our Nation Adapted Interactive Reading and Notetaking Study Guide 2007c
    By Prentice Hall Direct Education Staff, Jim Davidson, Michael B. Staff

    Jim Davidson, Michael B. Staff, Prentice Hall Direct Education Staff ... aside to become William H. Taft • reputation : Despite strong Progressive policy record , he lost Progressive support . ... publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall .

  • America: History of Our Nation National Survey Spanish Student Edition Grade 8 2006c
    By Prentice Hall

    Developed specifically for middle school American history programs, this text covers American History from the roots of the American people to the present.

  • America
    By James Buckingham

    Edited by the late S. DREW, M.A. 1 vol. 8vo.with 48 Engravings on Wood. Cloth, 12s. ... WALKER'S PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY, with Portrait. ... WALKER'S KEY to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names.

  • America: Pathways to the Present 5th Edition Guided Reading Audiotape English 2003c

    This text provides in-depth balanced content covering the beginnings of U.S. history through the present.

  • America: Past and Present
    By Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen, H. W. Brands

    Support Instructors - MyHistoryLab, Instructor''s eText, MyHistoryLab Instructor''s Guide, Class Preparation Tool, Instructor''s Manual, MyTest, and PowerPoints are available to be packaged with this text.

  • America: A Concise History, Volume One
    By James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self

    ... Smith Franklin D. Roosevelt Herbert C. Hoover Norman Thomas Franklin D. Roosevelt Alfred M. Landon William Lemke Franklin D. Roosevelt Wendell L. Willkie Franklin D. Roosevelt Thomas E. Dewey Harry S Truman Thomas E. Dewey J. Strom ...

  • America: a Concise History 4th Ed Vol 2 + America Views the Holocaust + Violence in the West + U.s....
    By Marilynn S. Johnson, David Brody, James A. Henretta

    The authors' own abridgement preserves the hallmark explanatory power of the parent text, helping students to understand not only what happened but why -- so they're never left wondering what's important.

  • America: A Concise History 4e V2 +documents for America's History V2 + Violence in the West: the Johnson County Range...
    By VARIOS AUTORES, David Brody, Lynn Dumenil

    The authors' own abridgement preserves the hallmark explanatory power of the parent text, helping students to understand not only what happened but why -- so they're never left wondering what's important.

  • America: a Concise History 3e V2 + How the Other Half Lives + Lyndon B. Johnson And American Liberalism
    By Jacob A. Riis, David Brody, Lynn Dumenil

    America: a Concise History 3e V2 + How the Other Half Lives + Lyndon B. Johnson And American Liberalism

  • America: A History of the United States
    By Norman K. Risjord

    To supervise the expenditure , Roosevelt created the Federal Emergency Relief Administration ( FERA ) , and placed at its head Harry Hopkins , who had managed Roosevelt's state relief program in Albany . Hopkins was a curious blend of ...

  • America: Who Really Pays the Taxes?
    By Donald L. Barlett, James B. Steele

    ... 224 Beatrice Foods, 149 Beatty, Warren, 285 Bechtel Group Inc., 227 Belas, Richard S., 223 Belzberg, Hyman, 321, ... 99, 105- 108,123,140, 165,231,329, 333,341 tax collections and, 293 "unified budget," 100-101 Buffett, Warren E., ...