American Foreign Policy Since World War II

  • American Foreign Policy Since World War II
    By John W. Spanier, Jerome Spanier

    Kaufmann , William W. ( ed . ) . Military Policy and National Security . Princeton , N.J .: Princeton University Press , 1956. Contains Kaufmann's own perceptive analysis of American total- and limitedwar strategy and Steel Community is ...

  • American Foreign Policy Since World War II
    By Steven W. Hook, John Spanier

    See Glenn Greenwald, Ewen MacAskill, and Laura Poitras, “Edward Snowden: The Whistleblower Behind the NSA Surveillance Revelations,” The Guardian (June 9, 2013). 2 Scott Anderson, Lawrence in India: War, Deceit, and the Folly of ...

  • American Foreign Policy Since World War II
    By Steven W. Hook, John Spanier

    ... alliance was significant, given that the Philippines was a close ally with the United States since the end of World War II. ... Helene Cooper, “Hagel Spars with Chinese over Islands and Security,” New York Times (April 8, 2014), A6.

  • American Foreign Policy Since World War II
    By Steven W. Hook, John Spanier

    ... Leon Panetta Chuck Hagel James N. Mattis Brent Scowcroft Anthony Lake Samuel Berger Condoleezza Rice Stephen Hadley James Jones Thomas Donilon Susan Rice Michael Flynn H. R. McMaster Appendix B Chronology of Significant Events, ...

  • American Foreign Policy Since World War II
    By John W. Spanier

    The U.S. enters the 21st century uncertain of its international role. Despite its economic and military predominance in the post Cold War era, the U.S. struggles as a nation, propelled...

  • American Foreign Policy Since World War II
    By John W. Spanier

    American Foreign Policy Since World War II

  • American Foreign Policy Since World War II
    By Steven W. Hook, John W. Spanier

    Written by two renowned political scientists, this is the only available booklength treatment of U.S. foreign policy from 1945 to the present. Spanier and Hook analyze the behavior of the...