American National Biography

  • American National Biography
    By John Arthur Garraty, Mark Christopher Carnes

    For his gan the Geological Survey's comprehensive program " anthropological tasks , ” see J. W. Powell , “ Indian ... Beyond the learned in Germany to become a musician ” ( Shaffer , Hundredth Meridian : John Wesley Powell and the ...

  • American National Biography

    She was Bourke - White , ” American Photographer 16 ( June 1986 ) : awarded the American Woman of Achievement Cita38-61 ; Madelon G. Schilpp , “ Margaret Bourke - White , Piotion from the Boston Chamber of Commerce in 1951 ...

  • American National Biography

    Heckewelder said Pipe died a fact , Pipe endeavored to keep his people neutral in the few days before Anthony Wayne defeated the confedearly years of the conflict . In the fall of 1777 , Ameri- erated Indians at the battle of Fallen ...

  • American National Biography

    In April 1859 he married Maria Manion of Philadelphia , and a few weeks later the couple sailed for Eastern Asia . They had eight children , some of whom remained in Japan while others returned to the United States .

  • American National Biography

    The Chill ( 1964 ) and The Far Side of the Dollar tective novelist , was born Kenneth Millar in Los Gat- ( 1965 ) received awards from the British Crime Writers os , California , the son of John Macdonald Millar , a Association ...

  • American National Biography

    Study in Changing Rural - Urban Patterns ” ( M.A. thesis , St. Ellwood , a hardware merchant in De Kalb village , Louis Univ . , 1965 ) , are useful explorations of his views . decided that Glidden's fence held greater promise than ...

  • American National Biography

    Charles Hartshorne , John Cobb , Lewis Ford , Robert Neville , David Griffin , Schubert Ogden , Marjorie Suchocki , WHITEHEAD , John Boswell ( 18 Aug. 1872–16 Nov. Rita Brock , and Catherine Keller are a few of the many 1954 ) ...

  • American National Biography

    1 ( 1963 ) , and John B. Boles , The Great Revival , 1787– Ohio , an umbrella organization that gathered several 1805 : The Origins of the Southern Evangelical Mind ( 1972 ) . colleges together into one structure : Mount St. Mary's ...

  • American National Biography
    By John Arthur Garraty, Mark Christopher Carnes

    His tenure provided Texas governor Francis R. Lubbock , and Reagan the leadership and prestige so necessary to the early were captured ... was sent In 1897 he helped found the Texas State Historical Asto Fort Warren in Boston Harbor .

  • American National Biography
    By John Arthur Garraty, Mark Christopher Carnes

    from the league , “ Garvey appropriated every feature League , taught on “ Problems of Race ” at the Workers that was worthwhile in his movement . ” Over the next School , was involved in the Lafayette Theatre strike , few years Garvey ...

  • American National Biography

    It is the final paradox of a long creative life that Thompson's apparently marginal position in the history of twentieth - century American music is belied by the enduring popularity of his widely performed and much - loved choral ...

  • American National Biography

    Forman was elected to Washington and Governor William Livingston , For- the New Jersey Legislative Council in 1785 , but the man took umbrage and resigned his commission as election was contested , and in the runoff he was debrigadier ...

  • American National Biography

    North Carolina Historical Review 18 ( Apr. 1941 ) : 1–26 , and Jones was a member of the first North Carolina con( July 1941 ) : 133–70 . A few old histories of North Carolina in stitutional convention in 1776 , and the state's ...

  • American National Biography
    By John Arthur Garraty

    But recognizing the phers later attributed his reticence and distant , profes- limited success of such cubist experiments , Davies resorial demeanor . verted to his symbolist style of painting around 1917 , The duality of Davies's ...

  • American National Biography

    "AIDS has made a huge impact on our society medically, socially, politically, legally, and psychologically.

  • American National Biography

    "AIDS has made a huge impact on our society medically, socially, politically, legally, and psychologically.

  • American National Biography: Supplement 2
    By Mark C. Carnes

    Told more as stories than history lessons, the biographies in American National Biography, Supplement 2 recount the tales of all the different people who shaped America--leaders, composers, entertainers, entrepreneurs, writers, scientists, ...

  • American National Biography
    By John Arthur Garraty, Mark Christopher Carnes

    "AIDS has made a huge impact on our society medically, socially, politically, legally, and psychologically.

  • American National Biography: Supplement

    Told more as stories than history lessons, the biographies in American National Biography Supplement I recount the tales of all the different people who shaped America--leaders, composers, entertainers, entrepreneurs, writers,...

  • American National Biography

    American National Biography