This is an outstanding set that will be heavily consulted for many years to come."--"Outstanding reference sources 2000", American Libraries, May 2000. Comp. by the Reference Sources Committee, RUSA, ALA
American National Biography: Dubuque-Fishbein
This is an outstanding set that will be heavily consulted for many years to come."--"Outstanding reference sources 2000", American Libraries, May 2000. Comp. by the Reference Sources Committee, RUSA, ALA
This is an outstanding set that will be heavily consulted for many years to come."--"Outstanding reference sources 2000", American Libraries, May 2000. Comp. by the Reference Sources Committee, RUSA, ALA
Of the 100 “most outstanding courses” in the world, The World Atlas of Golf listed seventeen designed by Jones. They had served as a venue for seventy-nine national tour- naments in the United States, including twenty for the U.S. Open ...
This is an outstanding set that will be heavily consulted for many years to come."--"Outstanding reference sources 2000", American Libraries, May 2000. Comp. by the Reference Sources Committee, RUSA, ALA
American National Biography: Hofstadter-Jepson
This is an outstanding set that will be heavily consulted for many years to come."--"Outstanding reference sources 2000", American Libraries, May 2000. Comp. by the Reference Sources Committee, RUSA, ALA