American Sign Language

  • American Sign Language: A Teacher's Resource Text on Grammar and Culture
    By Charlotte Lee Baker-Shenk, Dennis Cokely

    For example , in ( 24 ) , the repetition of the trees falling down ' could mean either that ' the trees ( meaning ' all ' ) fell down ' or that ' some trees fell down ' , depending on the context in which the sentence occurs .

  • American Sign Language: Units 10-18
    By Dennis Cokely, Charlotte Baker-Shenk

    Unit 10 Sentence Types A. Synopsis Pat and Lee are both interested in Sign Language teaching and research , and Pat has just received a brochure about an upcoming meeting on Sign Language . While Pat and Lee are waiting for a friend ...

  • American Sign Language: A Student Text, Units 1-9
    By Dennis Cokely, Charlotte Baker-Shenk

    Unit 2 Time A. Synopsis Pat and Lee are having dinner at a restaurant . Pat asks if Lee has read the Deaf American magazine . Lee replies that his / her subscription stopped last year and she hasn't paid to renew it . Pat says that Lee ...

  • American Sign Language: A Teacher's Resource Text on Curriculum, Methods, and Evaluation
    By Charlotte Lee Baker-Shenk, Dennis Cokely

    The teacher's text on curriculum and methods gives guidelines on teaching American Sign Language and Structured activities for classroom use.

  • American Sign Language: Beginners Guide To ASL: History Of American Sign Language
    By Warner Heffernen

    With this ebook series, you'll discover: - How to be polite around deaf people - How to get deaf people's attention properly (there's a right way and wrong way!) - What to do if an interpreter for the deaf is present - How to help the deaf ...

  • American Sign Language
    By Catherine Nichols

    This informative book teaches you the basics of American Sign Language. As many as two million Americans communicate with American Sign Language, making it the third most-used language in the United States.