(Levinson 1992: 82–83) Consider the effect of these questions. What picture is being built? This episode is followed by questioning about her previous sexual experiences (Extract 5.9). Extract 5.9 1 Q. ... you have had sexual ...
(5)I hadbeen outearlier tothe picturesand gothome just after 7 p.m. (6)A littlelater Norman Parsley and Frank Fasey called. (7) I did not answer the door or speak to them. (8) My mother toldme thatthey had calledand Ithen ran outafter ...
Fraser, H. (2003) 'Issues in transcription: factors affecting the reliability of transcripts as evidence in legal cases', The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law (Forensic Linguistics), 10(2), 203–26.
Language in Evidence Malcolm Coulthard, Alison Johnson. No, but these guys were. And did Richards ever use the expressions, 'Colombians', or 'drug dealers?' I think so. You may think so, but would it surprise you to know that he never ...
The second edition of this bestselling textbook begins with a new introduction and continues in two parts.
'Language in Evidence' presents an overview of the interface of language and the law.