An Introduction to Human Services

  • An Introduction to Human Services: Policy and Practice
    By Barbara Schram, Betty Reid Mandell

    As the middle class falls into the lower class , there is a widening gap between the rich and the poor , and the ranks of poor people swell . Belinda Schell worked at the Diamond Glass Company plant in Royersford , Pennsylvania ...

  • An Introduction to Human Services: Policy and Practice
    By Betty Reid Mandell, Barbara R. Schram, Lynn Peterson

    "This text places emphasis on social systems rather than on individual psychology. To make the book more accessible to the beginning student, it is organized into three sections.

  • An Introduction to Human Services: Values, Methods, and Populations Served
    By Cynthia Cannon Poindexter, Deborah P. Valentine

    A “must read” for human services workers, students, and volunteers, this concise guide introduces you to the necessary basic skills needed to effectively support and guide persons who need assistance from social services systems.

  • An Introduction to Human Services: Policy and Practice
    By Barbara Schram, Betty Reid Mandell

    An Introduction to Human Services: Policy and Practice

  • An Introduction to Human Services
    By Marianne Woodside, Tricia McClam

    Woodside and McClam's text provides a solid introduction to the profession of human services. It provides a historical context of the field as well as a practical overview of the...

  • An Introduction to Human Services: Policy and Practice
    By Barbara Schram, Betty Reid Mandell

    Complete, up-to-date coverage of social welfare programs and policies with special coverage of how history, politics, and the economy shape these programs This text puts the field of human services into a historical context, provides ...

  • An Introduction to Human Services
    By Tricia McClam, Marianne R. Woodside

    taBle 10.2 SUMMARY POINTS : USES OF TECHNOLOGY IN HUMAN SERVICE DELIVERY • Technology is used to help clients gain new skills. • Telemedicine care networks are examples of technology-supported service delivery systems.

  • An Introduction to Human Services: Policy and Practice
    By Barbara Schram, Betty Reid Mandell

    Known for its engaging writing style and use of many current examples and cases of human service practitioners at work, this text proveides complete and up-to-date coverage of social welfare programs and policies, and describes how history, ...

  • An Introduction to Human Services
    By Tricia McClam, Marianne R. Woodside

    This edition reflects the changing world of human services, the clients that human service professionals serve, and the cultural dimensions of human services and clients.

  • An Introduction to Human Services
    By Tricia McClam, Marianne R. Woodside

    The text provides a solid grounding in such fundamental concepts as serving the whole person, using an interdisciplinary approach, interacting with helper and client, preparing generalists, and empowering clients.

  • An Introduction to Human Services

    An Introduction to Human Services

  • An Introduction to Human Services
    By Tricia McClam, Marianne R. Woodside

    The eighth edition of best-selling AN INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN SERVICES offers a uniquely practical and comprehensive introduction to the human services profession.

  • An Introduction to Human Services: Policy and Practice
    By Barbara Schram, Betty Reid Mandell

    "This book is known for its engaging style and for the many current examples of human service practitioners at work, which makes it a top seller in its market. It...