Zaka ̄t, however, is more like a tax, payable once a year and computed as a percentage of one's various forms of wealth. A manual of Islamic practices written for English-speaking converts describes zaka ̄t as being owed on “three C's: ...
But John's Gospel went back to before human or even world history to the timeless beginnings. For John, Jesus was the Logos, or “Word” of God, who descended from heaven in fleshly form as a human being. This is the incarnation, ...
An Introduction to Islam
This wide-ranging account of the history and theology of one of the world's most dynamic religions tells the story of Islamic beliefs and practices as they developed from the earliest times down to the present day.
The book provides readers with a thorough and unified topical introduction to the global religious community of Islam. KEY TOPICS: The book examines is connections with Judeo-Christian morals.
An introductory text describing the basic tenets of the Islamic faith
A revised and updated edition of Waines' wide-ranging account of the history and theology of Islam.