An Introduction to the International Criminal Court

  • An Introduction to the International Criminal Court
    By William A. Schabas

    The International Criminal Court ushered in a new era in the protection of human rights. The Court prosecutes genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression when...

  • An Introduction to the International Criminal Court
    By William A. Schabas

    Reisman, W. Michael, 'On Paying the Piper: Financial Responsibility for Security Council Referrals to the International Criminal Court', (2005) 3 American Journal of International Law 615 'Learning to Deal with Rejection: The ...

  • An Introduction to the International Criminal Court
    By William Schabas

    114 Robert Kushen and Kenneth J. Harris, 'Surrender of Fugitives by the United States to the War Crimes Tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda', (1996) 90 American Journal of International Law 254. A person subject to a warrant of arrest ...

  • An Introduction to the International Criminal Court
    By William A. Schabas

    181–8 Cormier, Monique, 'Can the ICC Exercise Jurisdiction over US Nationals for Crimes Committed in the Afghanistan Situation?', (2018) 16 Journal of International Criminal Justice 1043 Corrao, Maria Esilia, 'Jurisdiction of the ...

  • An Introduction to the International Criminal Court
    By William Schabas

    This third revised edition considers the initial rulings by the Pre-Trial Chambers and the Appeals Chamber, and the cases it is prosecuting, namely, Democratic Republic of Congo, northern Uganda, Darfur, as well as those where it had ...

  • An Introduction to the International Criminal Court
    By Chairman Irish Centre for Human Rights William Schabas

    Written by the leading expert in the field, this text is essential reading for any student of the Court and its workings."

  • An Introduction to the International Criminal Court
    By William A. Schabas

    Treatise on International Criminal Law, Volume I: Foundations and General Part, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ... Law 519 The Colombian Peace Process and the Principle of Complementarity of the International Criminal Court, ...

  • An Introduction to the International Criminal Court
    By William A. Schabas

    Written by the leading expert in the field, the fourth edition of this seminal text considers the Court in action: its initial rulings, cases it has prosecuted and cases where it has decided not to proceed, such as Iraq.

  • An Introduction to the International Criminal Court
    By William A. Schabas, William Schabas

    This third revised edition considers the initial rulings by the Pre-Trial Chambers and the Appeals Chamber, and the cases it is prosecuting, namely, Democratic Republic of Congo, northern Uganda, Darfur, as well as those where it had ...