David Kirk, Carlton Cooke, Anne Flintoff, Jim McKenna: Key Concepts in Sport and Exercise Sciences, SAGE, 2008. David Kirk, Doune Macdonald, Mary O'Sullivan: Handbook of Physical Education, SAGE, 2006. Desikachar K, Bragdon L, ...
Combining clear and accurate descriptions of anatomy with precise explanations of how structures function and examples of how they work together to maintain life, this text includes timely and interesting examples to demonstrate the ...
Combining clear and accurate descriptions of anatomy with precise explanations of how structures function and examples of how they work together to maintain life, this text includes timely and interesting examples to demonstrate the ...
Combining clear and accurate descriptions of anatomy with precise explanations of how structures function and examples of how they work together to maintain life, this text includes timely and interesting examples to demonstrate the ...
Describes micros
Anatomy & Physiology
This book represents our best effort to replicate this teaching process. In fact, it is the effective integration of concepts throughout the text that makes this book truly unique from other undergraduate anatomy and physiology texts"--
Especially written by senior students or junior doctors - those who understand what is essential for exam success - with all information thoroughly checked and quality assured by expert Faculty Advisers, the result are books which exactly ...
Anatomy & Physiology: Laboratory Textbook, Essentials Version
Master the story of Anatomy & Physiology with Saladin's Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function! Saladin's A&P helps students make connections by telling a story that will intrigue, engage, and inspire them.
A version of the OpenStax text
The Super Review of Anatomy & Physiology offers you: Concise, yet comprehensive coverage of Anatomy & Physiology Student-friendly language to make learning easier Easy-to-grasp, logically ordered Anatomy & Physiology reviews that prepare ...
Pt. 1. Organization of the body. Major themes of anatomy and physiology. Atlas A. General orientation to human anatomy -- The chemistry of life -- Cellular form and function -- Genetics and cellular function -- Histology -- Pt. 2.
The 7th Edition motivates and supports learners at every level, from novice to expert, equipping them with 21st century skills to succeed in A&P and beyond.
Note: This is the standalone book if you want the book/CD order the ISBN below 0321615875 / 9780321615879 Anatomy & Physiology with Interactive Physiology 10-System Suite Package consists of 0321616405 / 9780321616401 Anatomy & Physiology ...
Anatomy & Physiology: Select Material from Human Anatomy, 3rd Ed, [and] Seeley's Anatomy & Physiology, 9th Ed
Anatomy & Physiology: A Case Study Approach
A Balanced Approach to anatomy and physiology with the most robust digital resource in Connect Plus and a full-color workbook.
This introductory text presents a large, complex body of scientific knowledge in an easily understood conversational writing style, focusing on concepts rather than just descriptions to help students unify information....
KEY MESSAGE: Anatomy & Physiology, Third Edition answers the demand for a leaner version of Elaine Marieb and Katja Hoehn's Human Anatomy & Physiology withless in-depth coverage of pregnancy, heredity,...