Angel's Flight

  • Angel's Flight: The Life of Jimmie Angel - American Aviator - Explorer - Discover of Angel Falls
    By Karen Angel

    —Marie Angel to Paul R. Eversole, Santa Barbara, California, 5 August 1970 When I interviewed retired AVENSA (Aerovias Venezolanos) pilot Henry Gibson in his Caracas home in 1996, I asked him about the following comment about Jimmie ...

  • Angel's Flight: The Life of Jimmie Angel ? American Aviator-Explorer ? Discoverer of Angel Falls
    By Karen Angel

    Angel's Flight is a marker on the path to resolving the mysteries of Jimmie Angel's life, and author Karen Angel, Jimmie's niece, gathers together the verifiable history of the life of Jimmie Angel and his pursuit of the lost River of Gold ...

  • Angel's Flight
    By Lou Cameron

    The author's first novel, originally published in 1960 by Gold Medal Books, set in the world of popular music.

  • Angel's Flight
    By Ella Summers

    The original Immortals, masters of magic, once reigned over every world in the known universe-until they suddenly vanished.

  • Angel's Flight
    By Richard Taylor

    A passenger jet en route from Hawaii.Aboard, a dozen first class travelers.The crass, the haunted, the arrogant,and the lost.The passengers in coach are missing.The air crew, too.Flying on autopilot.Destination unknown.