Anita Ganeri. How do salmon find the right river ? Every year , thousands of salmon leave the sea and swim back upriver to lay their eggs . Amazingly , they find their way to the exact spot in the river where they were born .
Thoughtful coverage has also been given to foraging behavior, mating and parenting behavior, anti-predator behavior and learning. This text addresses the physiological foundations of behavior in a way that is both accessible and inviting.
Taborsky, M., 2010. Ethology in Europe. In: Breed, M.D., Moore, J. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, vol. 1. Academic Press, Oxford, pp. 649–651. ...
"Animal Behavior: Concepts, Methods, and Applications, takes a conceptual approach that highlights the process of science and the real-world applications of animal behavior research"--
Investigating a whole host of species from around the globe, the first short and affordable introduction to animal behavior Investigating a whole host of species from around the globe, the first short and affordable introduction to this ...
Nature's Compass: The Mystery of Animal Navigation. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 320 pp. Heinze, S., Narendra, A., Cheung, A., 2018. Principles of insect path integration. Curr. Biol. 28, R1043–R1058.
Animal Behavior: Mechanisms, Ecology, Evolution
This edition of 'Animal Behavior' has been completely rewritten with coverage of much recent work in animal behavior, resulting in a thoroughly up-to-date text.
Designed for a one-semester introductory course in Animal Behavior. Animal behavior is a broad discipline with investigators and contributions from diverse perspectives, including anthropology, comparative psychology, ecology, ethology, physiology, and...
This classic textbook is a concise introductory guide to the subject of animal behavior. The book is organized by first building the four-cornered foundations of the subject, then moving higher.
Designed for a one-semester introductory course in Animal Behavior. Animal behavior is a broad discipline with investigators and contributions from diverse perspectives, including anthropology, comparative psychology, ecology, ethology, physiology, and...
It includes topics like observational learning, habituation, imprinting, and associative learning, etc. This book aims to shed light on some of the unexplored aspects of animal behavior.
The book's authors, Michael Breed and Janice Moore, bring almost 60 years of combined experience as university professors, much of that teaching animal behavior.
To obtain infested plants, we placed ten third-stadium M. separata larvae in each pot on the corn plants. ... 1. Saunders DS (2002) Insect Clocks. 3rd edition. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science. 576 p. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 2.
EMPHASIZES CONCEPTS. Animal Behavior: Concepts, Methods, and Applications, Second Edition, takes a conceptual approach that highlights the process of science and the real-world applications of animal behavior research.
a A Incubation and birth are times of great risk for both mother and offspring . Some animals remain with their eggs or young for months at a time ; others , such as cichlid fish , Surinam toads , and marsupial and stomach - breeding ...
Explains what scientific experiments and observations have revealed about the senses, instincts, and intelligence that govern the behavior of animals.
Animal Behavior: An Evolutionary Approach